• Die Verbindung von globalem Denken mit Authentizität und Atmosphäre: Im TOWER185 ist man in Frankfurt daheim und in der Welt zuhause.
  • The combination of global mindset and atmospheric authenticity: At TOWER185 you can feel at home in both Frankfurt and the world at large.
  • İnşaat halinde olan Tower 185'in 2010'un Eylül ayındaki görünümü. Tower 185, Almanya'nın Frankfurt kentinde bulunan, ülkenin en yüksek dördüncü binasıdır.
  • The architectural design for Tower 185 was provided by the Frankfurt-based architect Christoph Mäckler.
  • Tower 185 is a modern, glass covered skyscraper. It's not bad looking as far as modern buildings go but it's not a building you'd go out of your way to see.
  • Der Tower 185 bietet eine deutlich höhere Effizienz und Flexibilität der Büroflächen als herkömmliche Bürogebäude.
  • The Tower 185 ensemble is made up of two main components: the perimeter block and the tower itself.
  • Als der Tower 185 in Frankfurt noch im Bau war...