• Trichinosis, also known as trichinellosis, is a parasitic disease caused by roundworms of the Trichinella type. During the initial infection...
  • Trichinella spiralis; Trichinellidae familyasına ait bir parazit solucandır. Trichina spiralis olarak da bilinir. Omurgasız olan bu canlı...
  • General information on the biology, clinical presentation, and epidemiology of infection with Trichinella spiralis.
  • Bu nedenle, bir trichinella'nın yaşam döngüsü, bir kişi veya hayvanın, ilk evre larvalarını içeren kaslı et yediği zaman, enfeksiyonun enteral fazı ile başlar.
  • Trichinella zimbabwensis is found in crocodiles in Africa but to date there are no known associations of this species with human disease.
  • Trichinellosis is a serious zoonotic disease (an animal disease that can infect humans) caused by parasitic nematodes (roundworms) of the genus Trichinella.
  • Trichinella temel olarak enfekte çiğ domuz eti veya az pişmiş domuz eti yemekten kaynaklanır; ancak ayılar, atlar, köpekler, tilkilerinde bünyesinde bulunabilir.
  • The most common causative parasite is Trichinella spiralis, which is usually found in pigs and transmitted to humans through the ingestion of undercooked meat.
  • Trichinellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Trichinella parasites.
  • When humans eat raw or undercooked meat containing trichinella larvae, the larvae grow into adult worms in the small intestine.