• Cutillas C, R. Callejón, M de Rojas, B Tewes, JM Ueda, C Ariza ve DC Guevara (2009) Trichuris suis ve Trichuris trichiura farklı nematod türleridir.
  • Trichuris trichiura, Trichocephalus trichiuris or whipworm, is a parasitic roundworm (a type of helminth) that causes trichuriasis...
  • Trichuriasis is a parasitic disease caused by infestation with the whipworm Trichuris trichiura.
  • Once hatched, the larvae of Trichuris trichiura migrate to the large intestine where they mature into adult worms.
  • One in five people, 902 million, are carriers of Trichuris trichiura worldwide with a one percent infection rate in the United States.
  • Trichuris trichiura, more commonly known as the Whip Worm, due to the whip-like form of the body.
  • Trichuriasis is caused by the whipworm, Trichuris trichiura, a nematode, or roundworm, that inhabits the cecum and ascending colon of humans.
  • Trichuris trichiura, vücut yapısı bakımından bir kamçıya benzetilir. Ön kısmı kıl gibi ince, arka kısmı kaim, gri renklidir.
  • ? Trichuris trichiura is a species of parasitic roundworm commonly found in humans.
  • Trichuriasis tanısı , kişinin sunduğu semptomlar dikkate alınarak dışkıdaki Trichuris trichiura yumurtalarının tanımlanmasıyla yapılır .