- uniss.it enCompilation of Institutional Events, Signing of Agreements, and Delegations Visiting the University of Sassari.
- en.wikipedia.org University of SassariOne of the oldest universities in Italy, Sassari is now developing one of the modern network of corporate opportunities for its students and recently...
- it.linkedin.com school/università-degli-studi-di-…The University of Sassari founded in 1558 offers a wide range of post-graduate studies and research activities.
- medium.com @ultimatecollegelist/university-of-…The University of Sassari (UNISS) has over 10 thousand students across 4 campuses in Sassari, Olbia, Nuoro and Oristano, the University of Sassari promotes...
- standyou.com study-abroad/university-of-sassari-…Faculties and Programs The University of Sassari offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across faculties, including Agriculture...
- topuniversities.com universities/universita-degli…Learn more about studying at Universita' degli Studi di Sassari including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information.
- university-directory.eu Italy/University-of-…Social Media and Social Networking of University of Sassari on Youtube.
- pisaedu.com universite/sassari-universitesi/Yerel toplumun ve küresel partnerlerin aktif katılımı ile bilim ve araştırma projelerini teşvik ederek öğrenciler ve akademisyenler için elverişli ortam yaratan Sassari...
- edurank.org uni/university-of-sassari/rankings/The University of Sassari ranked 40th in Italy, 1051st in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 139 research topics.
- iuc-bohnes.eu uniss/The University of Sassari, along with its scientific staff and the departmental structures is active in all the 14 Areas of the National University Council of Italy...
University of Sassari
Genel bilgiler
Sassari Üniversitesi, Sassari'de (Sardinya) bir İtalyan devlet üniversitesidir.
Kuruluş tarihi, Sassari'deki Cizvit kolejinin (Studio Generale) ilk derslerinin başladığı 1562 olarak kabul edilir. Birkaç on yıl sonra, Stüdyo genişledi ve 1617'de Cizvitlerin, belediyenin ve Başpiskopos Antonio Canopolo'nun dilekçesi sayesinde III.Philip'in kararnamesiyle Sardunya Kraliyet Üniversitesi statüsünü aldı.
Üniversite aşağıdaki fakültelerden oluşmaktadır:
- Tarım,
- Mimarlık, tasarım ve şehir planlama,
- Kimya ve ilaç doğru,
- Veteriner,
- Biyoloji ve tıp,
- Ekonomi ve iş,
- Tıp, cerrahi ve deneysel bilimler,
- Antropoloji ve sosyal bilimler,
- Tarih, beşeri bilimler ve eğitim.
Kısa bilgiler
- Kuruluş tarihi:1562
- Web sitesi: