• Vajrapāṇi (Sanskrit; Pali: Vajirapāṇi, 'holder of the thunderbolt', lit. meaning, "Vajra in [his] hand") is one of the earliest-appearing bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • The Buddha’s eighth heart-son, the bodhisattva Vajrapani, is regarded as a peaceful and significant figure in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • Vajrapani is a Bodhisattva who represents the Power of all the Buddhas. ... Vajrapani practice is excellent to burn away afflictive emotions and obscuration.
  • Vajrapāṇi is one of the earliest Dharmapālas of Mahāyāna Buddhism and also appears as a deity in the Pāḷi Canon of the Theravāda school.
  • Vajrapani’s mantra is simply his name, which means “wielder of the thunderbolt”, framed between the mystical syllables Om and Hūṃ.
  • Vajrapani’s (Tib. Chakna Dorjé) name can be translated either as “vajra (or indestructible) hand” or “vajra-in hand”, the “one who holds the vajra”.
  • Vajrapani (Skt. Vajrapāṇi; Tib. ཕྱག་ན་རྡོ་རྗེ་, Chakna Dorje, Wyl. phyag na rdo rje) — one of the eight great bodhisattvas and lords of the three families.
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  • Meaning and Iconography. Vajrapani is a Boddhisattva who is usually depicted blue in colour and holds a Vajra or a thunderbolt in his right hand.
  • Vajrapani Institute is a retreat center in the California Redwood Mountains. Offering courses in Buddhism and meditation, as well as solitary retreat cabins.