• The Valley of Geysers (Russian: Долина гейзеров) is a geyser field on Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, and has the second-largest concentration of geysers in the world.
  • The Valley of Geysers located in the most eastern part of Russia and it takes a second place after geyser field in the USA.
  • On June 3, 2007, a massive mudflow inundated two thirds of the valley burying a number of geysers, thermal pools, and waterfalls.
  • It was pristine until a 2007 landslide filled the valley with earth and buried "Firstborn," the geyser that first erupted during Ustinova and Krupenin's visit, under rubble.
  • The Valley of Geysers is a canyon with 4 km width, 400 m depth and 8 km length, the Geysernaya river flows in it.
  • Situated on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, the Valley of Geysers is the second largest geyser field in the world.It was a great experience...
  • One of Russia’s Seven Wonders, Valley of the Geysers is the second largest geyser field in the world, with about 90 geysers in the 6 kilometer basin.
  • The Valley of the Geysers on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula is the second largest geyser field on earth, after Yellowstone.
  • The Valley of the Geysers extends along a canyon carved by the river. ... The geyser field is located in a marshy remote part of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.
  • So the Valley of Geysers in Russia is a Geyser field on Kamchatka Peninsula and it has second largest concentration of Geysers in the world.