- The Wrocław Multimedia Fountain (Polish: Wrocławska Fontanna Multimedialna) is a multimedia musical fountain and ornamental pond in Wrocław, of western Poland.
- Wrocław Multimedia Fountain is the biggest fountain in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe.
- You will have 40 minutes of free time: 25 minutes to watch the Multimedia Fountain show and 15 minutes after its ends to get back to the vehicle.
- The multimedia fountain in Wrocław is a favorite, accessible attraction for both children and adults.
- Beautiful fountain,very relaxing and it's free admission.its a must to come here when you are on vacation in Wroclaw.
- The Multimedia Fountain is Poland’s largest and one of Europe’s as well.
- Buenas tardes, estoy ahora mismo en wroclaw y me gustaría saber si hoy estarán en funcionamiento las fuentes.
- The Wrocław’s Multimedia Fountain is the biggest in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe.
- Wrocław Multimedia Fountain (Wrocławska Fontanna Multimedialna) is the biggest fountain in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe.
- Wrocław. Informacje. Harmonogram pokazów 2024. ... Fontanna Wrocław 07 Fontanna Wrocław 07.Bulunamadı: fountain
- Upon arrival, enjoy a spectacular 25-minute fountain show at the largest installation of its kind in Poland.
- On 15th May, the modernised Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain started a new season in a full multimedia version.
Wrocław Multimedia Fountain