• The x265 HEVC Upgrade makes it easy to convert MP4 video files to HEVC, and play back these files with Windows Media Player!
  • x265 and UHDcode are developed by MulticoreWare, a leading provider of high performance video software libraries. x265 is available to all under the...
  • Shrink video up to half the original size while maintaining highest possible quality compared previous generation.
  • The latest x265 source code can always be found by anonymous git repository
  • x265 Documentation. Edit on Bitbucket.
  • VMAF measurements showed impressive bitrates saving for the same visual qualitty (as measured by VMAF) compared to native x265.
  • x265 is an encoder for creating digital video streams in the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC/H.265) video compression format developed by the Joint Collaborative Team...
  • The H.265 standard is logical continuation of H.264 and characterized by more effective algorithms of compression.
  • The x265 is based on the x264 codec and borrows much of its technology, while it has also developed some concepts which are different from its predecessor.
  • The official documentation for x265 is very good, so this page will only cover recommended values and switches.