• Pius, yaşamının sonların doğru her türlü savaşı reddetmeye ve caydırıcı politikaların haklılığından kuşku duymaya başladı.
  • He was made a Servant of God by John Paul II in 1990 and Benedict XVI declared Pius XII Venerable on 19 December 2009.[8].
  • Pius XII raises his hand in blessing being carried on his sedia gestatoria on the anniversary of his coronation as pope in 1949.
  • Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Pope Pius XII" topic with Google News.
  • Pope Pius XII (Latin: Pius PP. XII), born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli (March 2, 1876 – October 9, 1958), reigned as the 260th pope...
  • Pope Pius XII was the head of the Catholic Church from March 1939 until his death in 1958, leading the church during World War II.
  • After Pius XI’s death on February 10, 1939, Cardinal Pacelli was elected his successor as Pope Pius XII in a short conclave .
  • By the time I was growing up, the campaign of vilification against Pius XII was already well advanced and largely successful.
  • Pius XII , ilk ansiklopedisinde ( Summi Pontificatus du) pozisyonlarının teolojik ve diplomatik çerçevesini verir.20 Ekim 1939).