- It is now possible to change the global DPI resolution of the application to run Xfe on HiDPI monitors (go to Edit / Preferences / Appearance and adjust the DPI value).
- sourceforge.net Desktop Environment XfeFree. Linux. X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander...
- en.wikipedia.org XfeX File Explorer (Xfe) is a graphical file manager for the X Window System for Unix and Unix-like operating systems, written by Roland Baudin.
- github.com escapecode/XFEXFE X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander, which was developed by...
- Stars:3
- Forks:0
- Issues:0
- linuxlinks.com xfe/Xfe is based on the popular, but discontinued X Win Commander, originally written by Maxim Baranov.
- onworks.net software/app-xfeX File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer like file manager for X. It is based on the popular, but discontinued, X Win Commander, which was developed by Maxim...
- nok.pages.dev XfeX File Explorer (Xfe) is a graphical file manager for the X Window System for Unix and Unix-like operating systems, written by Roland Baudin.
- rs1.es tutorials/2022/12/06/xfe-file-explorer.htmlXfe is a graphical file manager for Linux and UNIX-like systems, fast and light for those who want a simple graphical file explorer without bloatware and a very...
- opensource.com article/22/12/linux-file-manager-…The Xfe file manager, whether you use it for speed or just because it's a reliable app that's got everything you need, is an excellent choice for a file manager.
- ubuntuhandbook.org XFE – A Lightweight Windows File Explorer Like File…XFE (X File Explorer) is a lightweight Windows File Explorer or Commander like file manager for Unix / Linux X.