• Low response times and scalability allow YDB to be used simultaneously as an online database and a precomputed cache.
  • YDB provides high availability, horizontal scalability, strict consistency, and ACID transaction support.
  • YDB is a DBMS designed for business-critical operational data processing that directly affects end users.
  • YDB supports high-performance distributed ACID transactions that may affect multiple records in different tables.
  • Yayın zamanı: 6 saat önce
    endpoint – A endpoint specified in pattern host:port to be used for initial channel initialization and for YDB endpoint discovery mechanism.
  • YDB was designed from scratch to respond to the growing demand for scalable interactive web services.
    • Issues:
    • Last commit:
      3 January 2024
  • YDB (Yandex Database) is a distributed NewSQL relational DBMS based on Postgres.
  • YDB (Yet another DataBase) is a distributed SQL database management system (DBMS) developed by Yandex, available as open-source technology. Functionality.
  • YDB — распределённая отказоустойчивая реляционная система управления базами данных (СУБД) компании Яндекс с открытым исходным кодом.