- en.wikipedia.org The Crucifixion (Cranach)Crucifixion is an oil painting by German artist Lucas Cranach the Elder.
- metmuseum.org art/collection/search/336242The Crucifixion, Lucas Cranach the Elder (German, Kronach 1472–1553 Weimar), Woodcut. This image cannot be enlarged, viewed at full screen...
- artvee.com dl/crucifixion-21/Cranach had a large workshop and many of his works exist in different versions; his son Lucas Cranach the Younger and others continued to create versions of...
- commons.wikimedia.org wiki/Category:Paintings_of_…Lucas Cranach the Elder, The Crucifixion, 1538 1 27 18 -artinstitutechi (41089443942).jpg 2,910 × 4,284; 8.15 MB.
- artrenewal.org artworks/the-crucifixion/lucas-…The Crucifixion. 85.5 x 62 cms | 33 1/2 x 24 1/4 ins Oil on canvas.
- lucascranach.org en/US_NGA_1961-9-69In 'The Crucifixion with the Converted Centurion', Lucas Cranach the Elder chose to portray a scene of religious redemption.
- artic.edu artworks/59856/the-crucifixionCranach was a good friend of the Protestant reformer Martin Luther, and though the Crucifixion was a subject more strongly associated with Catholics...
- Gallerix.org album/Cranach/pic/glrx-9117Information about the painting, location, other paintings of the artist. Album: Lucas Cranach and Workshop, #25/496.
- wikiart.org en/lucas-cranach-the-elder/the-…‘The Crucifixion with the Converted Centurion’ was created in 1538 by Lucas Cranach the Elder in Northern Renaissance style.
- sammlung.staedelmuseum.de en/work/the-crucifixion73D58the superscription: I(esus) N(azarenus) R(ex) I(udaeorum) ~ Christ's crucifixion. 73DD642crucified Christ with Mary Magdalene, who usually weeps and...
- thehistoryofart.org lucas-cranach/crucifixion/This portrait is one of the first works by Lucas Cranach, completed shortly after his Vienna period.
- artsandculture.google.com asset/the-crucifixion/…Cranach’s late Crucifixions, and late works in general, are on the other hand tied to the surface of the picture and make no attempt to reproduce a convincing...
- archive.org details/clevelandart-1967.26-the-…Lucas Cranach (German, 1472–1553). Woodcut; The Cleveland Museum of Art, Delia E. Holden Fund 1967.26.
- topofart.com artists/Cranach/art-reproduction/…The reproduction of Lucas Cranach the Elder also needs time to dry in order to be completely ready for shipping, as this is crucial to not be damaged during...