- en.wikipedia.org Alexander Dukhnovych TheaterThe Alexander Duchnovič Theatre. Alexander Duchnovič. The Alexander Dukhnovych Theater (Rusyn: Tеатр Александра Духновіча, Teatr Aleksandra Duxnoviča...
- wikidata.org wiki/Q557821http://www.divadload.sk/page/9393/o-nas. image. Slovakia Town Presov 214a.jpg3,072 × 2,304; 1.16 MB.
- tr.wiki7.org wiki/Театр_Александра_ДухновичаAlexander Duchnoviča Tiyatrosu ( Rusin . Alexander Dukhnovich 's Theatre , Ukraynaca. Oleksandr Dukhnovich 's Theatre , Slovakça.
- tr.cybo.com SK-biz/divadlo-alexandra-duchnovičaKonser salonları ve tiyatrolar faaliyetlerinde bulunan Alexander Duchnovič Theatre. Şirketle 051/773 34 37 aracılığıyla irtibat kurabilirsiniz.Bulunamadı: dukhnovych
- nl.aroundus.com p/9557319-alexander-duchnovic-…Het Alexander Duchnovič Theater is een vooraanstaande culturele instelling in Prešov.
- wikious.com en/Alexander_Dukhnovych_TheaterBu sayfanın açıklaması webmaster tarafindan gizlenmiştir.
- commons.wikimedia.org wiki/Category:Alexander_…Presov Alexander Duchovic autorka Eena St Sinalij Mandic.jpg 1,065 × 1,479; 708 KB.Bulunamadı: theater
- encyclopediaofukraine.com picturedisplay.asp…Image of A performance of the Dukhnovych Theater (formerly Ukrainian National Theater) in Presov, Slovakia) from entry Ukrainian National Theater...Bulunamadı: alexander
- presov.oma.sk volny-cas/divadloV Prešov sa nachádza 16 kusov divadlo. na OMA.sk, portál o trasách a regiónoch SR.
- slideplayer.com slide/8992719/3 1945 - The Ukrainian National Theatre At the beginning it were playing in Russian, then in Ukrainian the last ten years the performances are playing in Ruthenian...Bulunamadı: dukhnovych