• John the Baptist[note 1] (c. 1st century BC – c. AD 30) was a Jewish preacher active in the area of the Jordan River in the early 1st century AD.[19][20]...
  • At the time of Leonardo da Vinci’s death in 1519, he had only three paintings in his possession, Saint John the Baptist was one of them.
  • Barolsky adds that: "Describing Saint John emerging from the darkness in almost shockingly immediate relation to the beholder, Leonardo magnifies the...
  • Because John the Baptist was the patron saint of Florence, Genoa, and Turin, bonfires, fireworks, and street markets occur during the celebration.
  • Born in the late 1st century (circa 5 B.C.), Saint John the Baptist was a Jewish prophet who preached the imminence of God’s final judgment.
  • After a period of desert solitude, John the Baptist emerged as a prophet in the region of the lower Jordan River valley.
  • Saint John the Baptist (right), in a detail from the Wilton Diptych in the National Gallery, London, England.
  • Top image: Mosaic of the baptism of Jesus Christ by Saint John the Baptist in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016.
  • And this is exactly what happened - Saint John the Baptist was beheaded and his head was brought to Salome on a platter.
  • The burial-place of John the Baptist was traditionally said to be at the Nabi Yahya Mosque (Saint John the Baptiste Mosque) in Sebastia in current...