• An original Minecraft animated series about Annoying Villagers created by MrFudgeMonkeyz. Follow the adventures of the Annoying Villagers...
  • As the on-going series continues to evolve, our Wiki's goal is to promote the series and create page after page of resources related to Annoying Villagers...
  • This mod has approved by 2Krunchy, current administrator of Annoying Villagers server and agent of MrFudgeMonkeyz.
  • Follow the adventures of the Annoying Villagers, MrFudgeMonkeyz, and Steve as they explore the Minecraft world, while battling the evil forces of Herobrine and...
  • The seemly innocent adventure slowly reveal the corruption and conflict between different inhabitants of this world. Original Playlist of Annoying Villagers!
  • It’s simple Previously on this story line of MrFudgeMonkeyz’s Annoying Villagers I have items that can compete with you That surpass you!
  • A day when people lived peacefully. Zombies and players invaded, killing and enslaving many villagers. But in which village was the villager king born?
  • Annoying Villagers Screenshot 1 If you like to improve the environment in the Minecraft game expanses, we suggest that you consider using the Annoying...
  • Skins Favorites Tags Entities Items Textures Blocks Banners Profiles Random Search annoying villagers annoying villager annoying villagers annoying...
  • #annoyingvillagers #Minecraft I really like this animation. So I drew this picture for annoying villagers.yeahhhh. 3.