- en.m.wikipedia.org Black River Lower Morass(Redirected from Black River Lower Morass). The Black River is one of the longest rivers in Jamaica. At a length of 53.4 km (33.2 mi)...
- rsis.ramsar.org ris/919The Lower Morass and its diverse ecosystems are essential for the maintenance of the overall biodiversity of the area.
- efj.org.jm black-river-morass/The Black River Lower Morass is the largest freshwater wetland ecosystem in Jamaica and the Caribbean.
- moonjamaica.com listing/lower-black-river-morassThe Lower Black River Morass is one of Jamaica's largest wetlands, with 142 square kilometers of mangrove and swamp providing a rich habitat for a variety of...
- cambridge.org core/services/aop-cambridge-core/…In light of this, therefore, it is appropriate that the Black River Lower Morass be nominated as a biosphere reserve so that it can be placed on the World...
- fiwiroots.com blackriver/morass.htmlThe largest freshwater wetland ecosystem in Jamaica, the Black River Lower Morass is a complex of shallow brackish lagoons, limestone islands, tidal marshes...
- caribbeaninvasives.org wp-content/uploads/2013/06…Objective 2: To determine which method of treatment is most appropriate for management of the M. quinquenervia in the Black River Lower Morass.
- semanticscholar.org paper/The-Black-River-Lower-…The Black River Lower Morass is Jamaica's largest wetland, and is a refuge for two endangered species—the American crocodile and the West Indian...
- tpdco.org wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Black-River-…The Black River Lower Morass is a recognized.
- storymaps.arcgis.com stories/…The Black River Lower Morass was designated Jamaica’s first wetland of international importance under the RAMSAR Convention on 10 July 1997.
- supertravelr.com en/trip/caribbean/how-to-spend-…The Black River forms the lower morass—a collection of small sea estuaries, swamps, and marshes that collectively form the largest swamp in the Caribbean.
- nljdigital.nlj.gov.jm items/show/5060A section of the Lower Black River Morass, one of Jamaica's largest wetlands.
- smartwatermagazine.com news/ramsar/jamaica-…Jamaica has extended the area of the Black River Lower Morass Wetland of International Importance from 5,700 hectares to 85,664 ha.
- researchgate.net figure/The-Black-River-Lower-…... in the parish of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, the Black River Lower Morass (coordinates 18.189553°N and 77.683307°W) has an approximate area of 6...