• Bob ___ football in the park at 10 am this morning. A. played. B. was playing.
  • (put the verbs in the past continuous) 1)Bob . (play) football in the park at 10 am this morning.
  • Fill in stare, drift, spring, hang, leap, break in the correct tense.
    • Bob was playing football in the park at 10 am this morning.
    • Mark was sending e-mails until 11 pm last night.
  • (put the verbs in the past continuous) 1)Bob . (play) football in the park at 10 am this morning.
  • What periods in the history of mankind do you find most int. ... Bob _____ football in the park at 10 am this morning.
  • Bob was playing football in the park at 10 am this morning. Mark sent e-mails until 11 pm last night.
  • 1 Bob was playing football in the park at 10 am this morning.
  • (put the verbs in the past continuous) 1)Bob . (play) football in the park at 10 am this morning.
  • Bob was playing football in the park at 10 am this morning. Mark sent e-mails until 11 pm last night. Tom was recovering in hospital for two weeks after his fall.
    • Bob was playing football in the park at 10 am this morning.
    • Mark was sending e-mails until 11 pm last night.