- easyanatomyapp.com osteology/fibula/and an articular facet (facies articularis capitis fibulae) that connects to the tibia.
- the superior extremity of the fibula, which articulates by a facet with the undersurface of the lateral condyle of the tibia.
- tipterimlerisozlugu.com caput-fibulae.htmlCaput Fibulae terimi, tıp dilinde kullanılan Latince bir kelimedir.
- getbodysmart.com lower-limb-bones/tibia-fibula-…Head of fibula (caput fibulae) is a small, knob-like extension from the proximal end of the fibula that articulates with the lateral condyle of the tibia.
- en.m.wikipedia.org Caput fibulae(Redirected from Caput fibulae). The fibula (pl.: fibulae or fibulas) or calf bone is a leg bone on the lateral side of the tibia, to which it is connected above and below.
- anatomystandard.com ossa-et-juncturae/extremitas-…Anterior and posterior view of the right lower leg and foot skeleton. The list of terms: Epiphysis proximalis – Proximal epiphysis Caput fibulae – Head of fibula...
- antroposozluk.blogspot.com 2013/05/fibula.htmlÜst ucunda caput fibulae ve collum fibulae, alt ucunda ise malleolus lateralis adlı çıkıntı bulunur.
- acikders.ankara.edu.tr pluginfile.php/16999/mod_…Bundan dolayı üst uç diz eklemine kadar çıkmaz ve alt uçta Tibia`dan biraz daha aşağıda yer alır. Üst uca Fibula başı ya da caput fibulae denir.
- translate.academic.ru caput fibulae/xx/xx/Caput fibulae — šeivikaulio galva statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot.