• chrome://flags veya komut satırı anahtarları kullanılarak özelliğe özgü işaretlerle deneme yapmak için önemli özellikler sunulur. Chrome ayarları için durum nedir?
  • If you’re reading this, I’ll assume you already have a basic understanding of what Chrome flags are and their basic functionality and purpose.
  • Here are some of the best Chrome flags you can use to improve your browsing experience, as well as a run-through on how to enable them.
  • So—if the flags you set running Chrome from the command line don't work as expected, you should check your chrome://flags page.
  • More specifically, Chrome flags but what are these mysterious features that are hidden right in plain sight in Chrome?
  • Best Chrome Flags Settings. Google chrome is a browser that affords you the ability to access the internet in a stress-free manner.
  • Basitçe kullanmak istediğiniz özelliğin kodunu kopyalayıp URL çubuğunda arattığınızda Chrome direkt olarak sizi o Flags’e yönlendirecektir.
  • Chrome Flag: chrome://flags/#read-aloud. You can enable the Chrome flag on Android devices by going to the provided flag link and enabling it.
  • Google Chrome Flags (or Flags Chrome) are a set of experimental features and settings that are present in Google Chrome and are used by developers.