• This page provides directions to upgrade your Debian distribution using apt-get.
  • If you wish to upgrade to the latest stable version of Debian, you'll probably want to use a source like this one: http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib.
  • This guide provides you with step-by-step instructions for upgrading your Debian system to the latest Debian stable, or LTS (Long Term Support) release.
  • How to upgrade your Debian system and software, dist-upgrade to a later Debian release, and how to install a newer kernel - by D Quinton.
  • Bullseye is the codename for Debian 11 coming with over 11294 new packages to count a total of 59551 packages.
  • With that information, the apt upgrade command fetches the new version of the packages from the Debian repositories and installs them.
  • I desire to totally upgrade everything in Debian:Stable including the release version, to the newest stable release available: Packages update.
  • Debian 12 can be updated via apt packet manager, and by setting up a cronjob as demonstrated in the below sections
  • #Get your keys first, you need the latest keys for Debian 11 or it won't work
  • The most recent version of Debian is Debian 11 and in this knowledgebase article, we will show you how you can update it.