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  • Is this why, as that one reader put it, I don’t actually believe in climate change? Because of the uncertainty about how much and where and when?
  • It’s a complicated matter that for a person to believe in climate change, one must be willing to accept that our way of life is wrong.
  • ...a cognitive psychologist at the University of Zurich, told DW that it does not depend on the level of education whether someone believes in climate change or not.
  • Ultimately, as the planet continues to warm the issue of whether you believe in climate change will become more and more irrelevant.
  • With that in mind, let’s revise the original question about “do you believe in climate change” and put it into the right context
  • Ultimately, as the planet continues to warm the issue of whether you believe in climate change will become more and more irrelevant.
  • 5. 97% of all scientists believe in climate change. ... Well, after all these facts and misconceptions, what do you think? Is climate change real?
  • Let us begin with the clear statement that asking whether you have to believe in climate change in no way alters the fundamental scientific consensus, or the tens...
  • If you truly believe that climate change will broil the planet in the next 50 years or so ... After all, the hard part is already done: we believe in climate change.