- Amazon DynamoDB, her ölçekte yüksek performanslı uygulamaları çalıştırmak için tasarlanmış, tam olarak yönetilen, sunucusuz, anahtar-değer NoSQL...
- medium.com swlh/what-is-dynamodb-fbb3f6d14f18Using Amazon DynamoDB, Developers can combine incremental scalability and high performance with the ease of cloud administration, reliability and table...
- awscli.amazonaws.com v2/documentation/api/latest/…Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability.
- docs.amazonaws.cn en_us/amazondynamodb/latest/…As a NoSQL database, DynamoDB is purpose-built to deliver improved performance, scalability, manageability, and flexibility compared to traditional relational...
- linkedin.com pulse/amazon-dynamodb-architecture-…DynamoDB allows five local secondary indexes of the table and it can only be created while table creation.
- hellointerview.com learn/system-design/deep-dives…Setting up DynamoDB is straightforward: you can create tables directly in the AWS console, and start inserting data immediately.
- dbdb.io db/dynamodbAs DynamoDB is a proprietary, managed service from AWS, they have not published detailed information regarding the internals of the platform since the...
- scylladb.com learn/dynamodb/introduction-to-…When you set up DynamoDB on AWS, you do not provision specific servers or allocate set amounts of disk.
- serverless.com guides/dynamodbHow does DynamoDB work with the Serverless Framework? Benefits of DynamoDB Drawbacks of DynamoDB DynamoDB Pricing When to use DynamoDB...
- en.wikipedia.org Amazon DynamoDBA Primary Key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies items in a DynamoDB Table.