• Birinci bölüm, "Temel Özellikleri Yapılandırın" başlıklı bir kutu dahilinde DynamoDB hizmet simgesinin bir görselini içermektedir.
  • Benefits of DynamoDB Drawbacks of DynamoDB DynamoDB Pricing When to use DynamoDB vs RDS?  
  • LocalStack allows you to use the DynamoDB APIs in your local environment to manage key-value and document data models.  
  • Comparing DynamoDB and MongoDB MongoDB's query language enables developers...
  • DynamoDB was inspired by the seminal Dynamo white paper (2007) written by a team of Amazon developers.  
  • Use DynamoDB, a fully managed NoSQL database service to store and retrieve any amount of data, and serve any level of request traffic.  
  • In DynamoDB, data is organized into tables, where each table has multiple items that represent individual records.  
  • The managed DynamoDB service was launched by AWS in January of 2012, with pricing being based on throughput rather than storage.  
  • In addition, DynamoDB’s distributed architecture enables seamless scalability, whereas scaling relational databases often requires complex and...  
  • This post contains 50+ DynamoDB tutorials including video courses, how-to's and getting started guides.