• "effectİve date" teriminin Türkçe İngilizce Sözlükte anlamları : 13 sonuç.
  • An effective date or as of date is the date upon which something is considered to take effect, which may be a past, present or future date.
  • An insurance effective date marks the day on which the policy becomes active for the policyholders rather than the date on which the latter signs it.
  • Specifying the effective date in a contract provides clarity and certainty regarding when the parties intend the terms to take effect.
  • For a company that wants to go public, the effective date occurs within 30 days after the security is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)...
  • For instance, if a contract stipulates that payment is due within 30 days from the effective date, it becomes clear when the payment deadline falls.
  • If your final closing date is pushed back a week, you can contact your insurance company to change the effective date.
  • An effective date is a specific point in time when an action or event officially takes effect, becoming legally binding or valid.
  • An effective date, in the context of insurance, is the specific date that an insurance policy goes into effect.
  • In short, an effective date definition is when the date on a contract or a transaction between two sides of the agreement becomes a binding one.