• EPUB (short for Electronic Publishing) is one of several ebook formats that are available today.
  • Electronic publishing (also referred to as e-publishing, digital publishing, or online publishing) includes the digital publication of e-books, digital magazines...
  • EPUB ya da tam adıyla Electronic Publication, Uluslararası Sayısal Yayıncılık Forumu (IDPF) tarafından e-kitap standardı olarak ilan edilen...
  • Additionally, electronic publishing facilitates the democratization of publishing, enabling aspiring authors and independent publishers to reach a global audience...
  • There can be no doubt that electronic publications will be part of scholarly life in the 21st century, but there are serious drawbacks to electronic publishing with...
  • Electronic publishing, also known as e-publishing or digital publishing, refers to the process of creating and distributing content in an electronic format.
  • Electronic publishing is a publishing method where the final release of the document or media is released electronically.
  • With electronic publishing, it is possible to enhance the outreach of not just books but any kind of reading or viewing material without any constraints of...
  • EPUB (short for Electronic Publication) is an e-book file format that uses the .epub file extension.
  • Electronic publishing affords more say to writers in preparing work for publication.