• Home | Sell Offers | Buy Offers | Structure Search | Erbium Supplier. ... Erbium Energies. Specific heat capacity:0.17 J/gK.
  • Erbium dissolves readily in dilute sulfuric acid to form solutions containing hydrated Er(III) ions, which exist as rose red [Er(OH2)9]3+ hydration complexes:[13].
  • Erbium has physical properties similar to those of other lanthanide metals and is paramagnetic, attracted by neodymium magnets.
  • Erbium, like all other rare earth elements, is mainly obtained from the Inner Mongolian mines within China.
  • Erbium’s name comes from the Latin word “Erbia,” which is the old name for Ytterby, the Swedish village where the original yttria sample was discovered.
  • Erbium finds little use as a metal because it slowly tarnishes in air and is attacked by water.
  • Significance: Erbium’s significance lies in its various applications driven by its unique properties, such as being a component in optical fibers and lasers.
  • Aside from its optical properties, erbium is useful for its ability to readily absorb free neutrons, which lends it to use in control rods in nuclear reactors.
  • erbium This sample is from The Elements Collection, an attractive and safely packaged collection of the 92 naturally occurring elements that is available for sale.
  • Erbium is a rare earth element that has a variety of applications in different fields.