• In Java, extends and implements are two keywords that are closely associated with inheritance and interfaces. Let’s discuss them more in detail.
  • 3) Extensibility: Rules to inherit class members: A class can't extend multiple classes: How to use inheritance in Java.
  • Implementing multiple interfaces, Declaring and Implementing an Interface, Extending an interface, Usefulness of interfaces, Default methods...
  • So basically, extends keyword is used to extend the functionality of the parent class to the subclass. In Java, multiple inheritances are not allowed due to ambiguity.
  • The SubClass uses the ‘extends’ keyword to inherit all accessible fields and methods from the SuperClass. This is the basic usage of ‘extends’ in Java.
  • The extends keyword plays a significant role in implementing the Inheritance concept in Java. Let’s start discussing the extends keyword with examples.
  • The extends keyword extends a class (indicates that a class is inherited from another class). In Java, it is possible to inherit attributes and methods from one...
  • Синтаксис наследования в Java: class SubClass extends SuperClass { // подкласс расширяет(наследует/получает в доступ) методы и поля суперкласса }.
  • In Java, there's the very important keyword extends. A class declaration can use the keyword extends on another class, like this
  • The extends keyword in Java is related to inheritance. The extends keyword extends a class (indicates that a class is inherited from another class).