• For the first time, the parameter was noticed in the middle of October and made lot of people wondering what the purpose of fbclid is.
  • Now that we know what FBCLID in URL is and how it works, the question remains: should you remove it from your Google Analytics data?
  • FB now adds an annoying "?fbclid" whenever you click on any outbound link inside FB.
  • Parameter name : fbc. Parameter value : must be of the form version.subdomainIndex.creationTime.fbclid , where
  • To strip just the fbclid parameter, it's useful to note that Facebook always appends it to a URL, so it's always last. That simplies the mod_rewrite code a little.
  • The way to fix this issues is by removing fbclid from your reports. The fix has to be applied to each and every view that you want fbclid to be removed from.
  • Gone are the days when you had clean and clear URLs for the web pages; they have now been bogged with an unsightly extension in the name of FBCLID.
  • ...block Facebook from tracking our web activities through its 'Facebook click ID' (fbclid)?
  • Your URLs, which were once clean and trim, are now bogged down by this unsightly addition – “fbclid=[a ridiculously long string of characters and numbers].”