- Google App Engine lets app developers build scalable web and mobile back ends in any programming language on a fully managed serverless platform.
- Google App Engine lets you build and run applications on Google’s infrastructure.
- A service account may be used to authorize requests to Earth Engine on behalf of whomever is using your app.
- Google App Engine is an industry-leading Platform as a Service (PaaS)...
- Getting Started with Google App EngineFull Course - https://www.udemy.com/course/google-cloud-certification-associate-cloud...87 bin görüntülemeYayınlandı26 şub 2021
- Google App Engine (also referred to as GAE or App Engine) is a cloud computing platform used as a service for developing and hosting web applications.
- Build and host applications and websites with Google App Engine, which provides platform services for apps that automatically scale.
- Below is a sample reference architecture for a typical mobile app built using Firebase and App Engine along with other services in Google Cloud.
- After looking at all the above theories we can understand that Google App Engine is a very powerful service with serverless capability which means the...
- Google App Engine (GAE) provides a range of hosting options from pure PaaS (App Engine Classic) through Managed VMs to fully self-managed or...
App Engine
Genel bilgiler
Google App Engine (App Engine), Google Cloud Platform (GCP)’nin sunucu tarafı bir Platform as a Service (PaaS) hizmetidir.
App Engine, web ve mobil uygulamalarınızı hızlı bir şekilde dağıtmanıza ve ölçeklendirmenize olanak tanır. Bu hizmet, altyapı ve sunucu yönetimiyle uğraşmadan uygulama geliştirmeye odaklanmanızı sağlar.
App Engine, çeşitli programlama dilleri ve çerçeveleri destekleyerek geliştiricilere esneklik sunar. Örneğin, Python, Java, Node.js, Go ve.NET gibi popüler programlama dilleriyle uyumlu çalışır. Ayrıca, Django, Flask, Spring gibi yaygın frameworkleri de destekler.
Kısa bilgiler
- Yayın tarihi:2008
- Web sitesi: