• GPG (also known as GnuPG) stands for GNU Privacy Guard. It is a free open source version of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption software.
  • This article will teach you the basics of working with GPG: how to generate key pairs and encrypt and decrypt files. Generating GPG Keys.
  • Gpg4win is a Windows version of GnuPG featuring a context menu tool, a crypto manager, and an Outlook plugin to send and receive standard PGP/MIME mails.
  • Gnu Privacy Guard 1 - or GnuPG, or even more lower, GPG - is an implementation of the protocol for encrypting messages OpenPGP.
  • Everything you need to get started with secure communication and encrypting files in one simple package leveraging the power of OpenPGP/GPG.
  • Gpg4win - a secure solution... ... Gpg4win (GNU Privacy Guard for Windows) is Free Software and can be installed with just a few mouse clicks.
  • Amacım en azından bu yazı için bir ön hazırlıktı. O halde, konumuza giriş yapalım; GPG (GnuPG – GNU Privacy Guard). GPG (GnuPG / GNU Privacy Guard).
  • GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG ya da GPG), şifreleme yazılımı PGP yerine GPL lisanslı bir özgür yazılım alternatifidir. Özgür Yazılım Vakfı'nın GNU projesinin bir parçası olarak...
  • Using GPG to encrypt and decrypt a file.
  • gpg is the OpenPGP only version of the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). It is a tool to provide digital encryption and signing services using the OpenPGP...