• GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable...
  • After a GraphQL service is running (typically at a URL on a web service), it can receive GraphQL queries to validate and execute.
  • Check out our contributing guide for detailed instructions on how to make changes to the GraphQL website. This repository is managed by EasyCLA.
  • Have you ever heard about GraphQL? In this article we introduce you to this API standard that is increasingly being adopted across companies.
  • GraphQL.com is maintained by the. ... Our goal is to give developers and technical leaders the tools they need to understand and adopt GraphQL.
  • REST tabanlı web servislerindeki ilişkisel verileri daha kolay bir şekilde almak ve verileri sorgulamak için kullanılan GraphQL ile ilgili bilgiler yer alıyor.
  • GraphQL, API'ler için açık kaynaklı bir veri sorgulama ve işleme dili ve bu sorguları yerine getirmek için yazılmış uygulamalardır.
  • GraphQL is highlighted as an efficient alternative to REST API, offering a simplified approach for querying data from the backend.
  • When you work with a GraphQL API in a project you will almost always use a tool like GraphiQL to explore and test your GraphQL queries.
  • The GraphQL Landscape shows an aggregated GraphQL adoption table covering over 116k stars, a market cap of $4.7 trillion, and a funding of over $9 billion.