• Harry Truman, writing about the atomic bomb in his diary[140] on July 25, 1945[141].
  • Bess Truman 1982'de öldü ve Independence, Missouri'deki Harry S. Truman Kütüphanesi ve Müzesi'nde kocasının yanına gömüldü.[8][9].
  • Crowds chanted “Give ’em hell, Harry!” as he attacked Republicans for supporting the anti-labor Taft-Hartley Act (which overrode Trumans veto)...
  • As a boy, Harry Truman helped his father on the family’s farm, but he did not enjoy the work.
  • During his few weeks as Vice President, Harry Truman scarcely saw President Franklin Roosevelt, and received no briefing on the development of the atomic...
  • In 1890, the Trumans settled in Independence, Missouri, where Harry attended school and was a strong student.
  • Harry S. Truman was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s vice president for just 82 days before Roosevelt died and Truman became the 33rd president.
  • Book Review: 'Ascent to Power' studies how Harry Truman overcame lack of preparation in transition.
  • Harry S. Truman authorized the development of the hydrogen bomb in 1950 to maintain an arms lead over the Soviet Union.
  • Harry attended public schools in Independence, graduating from high school in 1901. In 1906 he returned to Grandview to help his father run the farm.