• HTML 6 has the power to influence the direction of the web and spur innovation and advancement in the digital space as it develops further.
  • However, there is still one major leap that HTML has yet to make, and that is the leap to becoming truly distributed. With HTML6, you define your own specification...
  • This extensive guide aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the anticipated features, potential enhancements, and speculative advancements of HTML6.
  • ...announced the immediate availability of the new version of the web — HTML 6 — pronounced “HTML Sicks [sic]” with the motto “HTML 6 is sick!”.
  • HTML6 editor is an online WYSIWYG HTML editor with free and premium features. Real-time interactive visual and linked markup source code editor.
  • This means that what we call 'HTML6' is unlikely to be a huge update, but will more likely consist of smaller changes to the specification that happen more often.
  • Bu sayfanın açıklaması webmaster tarafindan gizlenmiştir.
  • But since then no update had arrived until it was known that HTML6 will soon be released on the market. Therefore, HTML6 would be the updated version of HTML5.
  • It is inspired from JSON and SXML. HTML6 is 100% regular at syntax level, and is not a valid JavaScript expression nor lisp expression.
  • But an idea of what it will be offering has been provided by Oscar Godson. This post will help you provide an overview of some of the basic concepts of HTML6.