• I (read) this article for an hour and I still ... (not/finish). ... have broken. A: What do I need to do next? B: You (add) the sugar to the mixture and you ... (mix) it well.
  • She _ (sleep) for 15 hours. 5. I _ (write) a book about Japan. I _ (just, finish).
  • 1. How long you (study) English? For 5 years. 2. I (wait) for two hours, but she (not come) yet. 3. They (live) in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975.
  • He hasn’t finished it yet. ... I wonder how many more we will have. It’s 10 p.m. I (study) _ for two hours and probably won’t finish until midnight.
  • 5. I told him I didn't know who ____ (steal) his pen. 6. She ____ (wear) her new jacket when I saw her. 7. They___ (go) to a disco. ... Still have questions?
  • "Yes, I did everything myself!" ... We can use either the present perfect simple or continuous for situations that started in the past and still continue.
  • 3. Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets and the correct future tense. 1. Tennis practice starts at 10, and we plan to play for two hours. (finish).
  • 3. Robert( makes- make – did) all his English homework yesterday.Today he is going to do the laundry. 4. I (doing- made- make ) this sweater last night.
  • C___ it at last. A) I finish B) I finished C) I’m finished D) I’ve finished E) I has finished. $$$ 11. Robert B__ ill for three weeks. He is still in hospital.
  • 2- I….three lectures today and I still have two maore later this afternoon. 3- It was so hot today that I…………..shorts and a T-shirt at work.
  • 8 By the time Mary gets here, the lecture _____. a will finish b is going to finish c will have finished d is finishing. 9 You _____ tell anyone about this, Sara.
  • A. owing to B. due to C. on account of D. because 2. . you are unable to accept the job, we have offered it to someone else.
  • I checked with the supplier and they still hadn't received the contract. • She had already told him before I got a chance to give him my version. •