• io.js is an npm compatible platform originally based on node.js.
  • Current releases of io.js are releases of v8 slated to be marked stable and released in Chrome in early March.
  • The io.js project team comprises a group of core collaborators and a sub-group that forms the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) which governs the project.
    • Issues:
  • Any differences will presumably be in the underlying implementation, and any extensions that io.js adds beyond the node.js feature set.
  • Like NodeJS, io.js is a server-side platform for event-driven I/O. It uses the Event loop mechanism to process I/O non-blockingly and concurrently.
  • You can quickly get a HipChat add-on to run on io.js and utilize an ES6 feature like Generators by following these simple steps
  • io.js is a JavaScript platform built on Chrome's V8 runtime.
  • In addition to its agile development cycle, io.js boasts impressive performance improvements over traditional JavaScript runtimes.
  • This post is going to give you an overview of what io.js is, what the differences and benefits are and what the aim of the project is.
  • A lot of people have asked me lately about io.js and its place among Node Forward, the Advisory Board, and npm.