The Minoan Palace of Knossos in Crete, Greece: The Minoan Palace at Knossos is over 20,000 square meters and the largest of all Minoan palatial structures. It was built of ashlar blocks, had many floors and was decorated with really beautiful frescoes. The old palace was built around 2,000 BC but was destroyed by an earthquake in 1700 BC. The newer, more complex palace, was built almost immediately after the first one was destroyed.
- Hızlı yanıt
- Arama sonuçları
- Situated a mere 5 km south of Heraklion, the majestic Knossos Palace is a top-tier attraction for travellers in Crete.
- With these tickets step into the past with the impressive Knossos Palace, a 3700-year-old gem of ancient Greek architecture.
- KnossosThe palace at Knossos was continuously renovated and modified throughout its existence. The currently visible palace is an accumulation of features from...
- en/greece/explore/knossos-…Knossos, also known as Labyrinth, or Knossos Palace, is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and probably the ceremonial and political...
- @darkenergyarticles/knossos-palace-…A Spanish consul had rumored that near Knossos there was a buried palace 180 feet long and 140 wide.
- Attraction_Review-g13124727-…Can I store luggage at or near the Palace of Knossos? ... The down side of the Palace us that all the artefacts are in the museum in Heraklion.
- experiences/culture/archaeological…Panoramic view of the ancient ruins of Knossos Palace, with stone structures and surrounding lush greenery under a clear blue sky.
- en/ourplace/knossos/knossos.htmlThe Minoan palace is the main site of interest at Knossos, an important city in antiquity, which was inhabited continuously from the Neolithic period until the 5th c...
- en/knossos-palace/To prepare for your visit to the Palace of Knossos during your trip to Crete, I’ll start my guide with some practical information.
Antik Şehir
Genel bilgiler
Knossos Minos Uygarlığı'na başkentlik yapmış antik şehirdir. Girit'in kuzeyinde, Kandiye şehri yakınlarındadır.
Knossos Sarayı, antik kentin en önemli yapısıdır. Antik kazı alanından çıkan objelerin birçoğu Kandiye Arkeoloji Müzesi'nde sergilenmektedir. Çıkan objelerden en ünlüsü tüm Girit ile özdeşleştirilen yılanlı ana tanrıça figürüdür.
Knossos Sarayı'nı ortaya çıkaran arkeolog Arthur Evans, sarayın sanatı ve mimarisi hakkında değerli bilgilerin günyüzüne çıkarılmasında büyük rol oynamıştır.
Kısa bilgiler
- Kuruluş tarihi:MÖ 7000
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