- Creating life's basic necessities for people around the world through various businesses in multiple industries.
- kochind.com ?ref=thechungreport.comKoch Industries creates life’s basic necessities, while innovating ways to make them even better.
- tr.wikipedia.org Koch IndustriesKoch Industries, Inc. Wichita, Kansas merkezli, çok uluslu bir holdingdir. Cargill'den sonra Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki en büyük ikinci özel şirkettir.
- Established in 1978, Koch Industries has a long-standing reputation of delivering quality products and exceptional service.
- forbes.com companies/koch-industries/Based in Wichita, Kansas, Koch Industries, Inc. is one of the largest private companies in America, with estimated annual revenues that have exceeded $125 billion.
- Koch Fertilizer is one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of fertilizers.
- en.wikipedia.org Koch, Inc.Koch, Inc. (/koʊk/ KOHK) is an American multinational conglomerate corporation based in Wichita, Kansas, and is the second-largest privately held company in the United States...
- linkedin.com pulse/lets-talk-koch-industries-…A little over 2 weeks ago you may have seen the headlines about Koch Industries kicking Cargill out of first place and reclaiming the title of the largest privately held...
- flex-index.vercel.app company/koch-industriesKoch Industries, founded in 1940, is one of the largest privately-owned companies in the U.S that deals in various sectors including refining, chemicals, biofuels...
- medium.com graham-and-doddsville/koch-industries-…Steve, how do you see the unprecedented Fed intervention ending, and what do you do as CFO of Koch Industries to prepare Koch for that eventuality?
Genel bilgiler
Koch Industries, Inc. Wichita, Kansas merkezli, çok uluslu bir holdingdir. Cargill'den sonra Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki en büyük ikinci özel şirkettir.
Bağlı ortaklıkları; petrol, kimyasallar, enerji, elyaf, ara ürünler ve polimerler, mineraller, gübre, kağıt hamuru ve kağıt, kimyasal teknoloji ekipmanları, bulut bilişim, finans, emtia piyasası ticareti ve yatırımların üretimi, rafine edilmesi ve dağıtımı ile ilgilenmektedir.
Koch; Flint Hills Resources, Georgia-Pacific, Guardian Industries, Infor, Invista, KBX, Koch Ag & Energy Solutions, Koch Engineered Solutions, Koch Investments Group, Koch Minerals & Trading ve Molex şirketlerinin sahibidir.
Firmanın 60 ülkede yaklaşık 122.000 çalışanı vardır ve işlerinin yaklaşık yarısı Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndedir.
Kısa bilgiler
- Kuruluş tarihi:8 Şubat 1940
- Önemli kişiler:
- Çalışan sayısı:120.000 (2022)
- Web sitesi: