- Legatum is funding local organisations in Kenya to learn what works best in shifting from care in "orphanages" to family-based care.
- en.wikipedia.org LegatumLegatum Limited, also known as Legatum, is a private investment firm, headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Legatum is a partnership that uses its own funds to invest...
- tr.wikipedia.org Legatum Refah EndeksiLegatum Refah Endeksi, özel yatırım şirketi Legatum tarafından kurulan ve kısmen finanse edilen bağımsız bir eğitim yardım kuruluşu olan Legatum Enstitüsü tarafından...
- worldpopulationreview.com country-rankings/…One well-respected measure of prosperity is the Legatum Prosperity Index, an annual ranking developed by the Legatum Institute.
- composite-indicators.jrc.ec.europa.eu explorer/…The Legatum Prosperity Index™ is a framework that provides a unique insight into how prosperity – characterised by inclusive societies, open economies, and...
- tureng.com tr/turkce-ingilizce/legatumKelime ve terimleri çevir ve farklı aksanlarda sesli dinleme. legatum menkul mal vasiyeti ne demek.
- medium.com @legatumfound/how-to-create-an-…The Legatum Foundation’s mission is to create pathways from poverty to prosperity, see lives and communities transformed and donors experiencing the power of...