• In Lepidoptera, the forewings and hindwings are mechanically coupled and flap in synchrony.
  • Micropterix aureatella, a micropterigid moth. The insect order Lepidoptera consists of moths (43 superfamilies), most of which are night-flying, and a derived group...
  • Lepidóptera ile ilgili görseller bulun Telifsiz Atıfta bulunulmasına gerek yoktur Yüksek kaliteli görüntüler.
  • Lepidoptera, 126 familya içerisinde yaklaşık 180.000 türe sahip büyük bir böcek takımıdır.
  • Lepidoptera Mundi is built, run and maintained by Chris Jonko Ⓒ2024.
  • Lepidoptera An order of insects comprising the butterflies and moths, found mainly in tropical regions.
  • Lepidoptera, bir çift bileşik göze ve sayısız omatiyaya sahip, iyi gelişmiş bir küresel kafa ile karakterize edilir.
  • The word Lepidoptera is derived from the Latin term lepido-, which means scales, and the ancient Greek terms lepis and pteron, which imply wings and scales...
  • The name Lepidoptera is derived from the Greek, meaning “scaly winged,” and refers to the characteristic covering of microscopic dustlike scales on the wings.
  • LEPIDOPTERA (Kelebekler, Pulkanatlılar; Butterflies & moths). Ergin vücut yapısı: • birkaç mm-10 cm veya daha uzun