• Leptodora, the largest planktonic cladoceran, occurs in a wide range of conditions, including clear oligotrophic as well as eutrophic lakes.
  • Leptodora is a genus containing two species of large, nearly transparent predatory water fleas. They grow up to 21 mm (0.83 in) long...
  • Leptodora kindtii Focke, 1844. Photo © Michel Verolet / Galerie du Monde des insectes / www.galerie-insecte.org.
  • Olesen, Jørgen, Stefan Richter, and Gerhard Scholtz, 2003: On the Ontogeny of Leptodora kindtii (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Cladocera), with Notes on...
  • The predatory cladoceran Leptodora kindtii is a large plankton species common in lakes of the Northern temperate zone Rivier 1998.
  • Variability and possible adaptive significance of day-time vertical distribution of Leptodora kindtii 共Focke兲 共Cladocera兲 in a shallow eutrophic lake.
  • Leptodora kindtii is a major predator of small zooplankton in eutrophic and fish-abundant lakes.
  • [2] Leptodora'nın ana yırtıcıları, beyaz balık , levrek , sabrefish ve kasvetli balık dahil olmak üzere balıklardır .
  • This page summarizes the data available in PubChem associated with the organism Leptodora kindtii.
  • 2 bin görüntüleme
    Yayınlandı27 May 2015
  • The records of Leptodora kindtii were found at the following lochs
  • Bibliography (continued)
    • "Leptodora Kindtii." Zooplankton of the Great Lakes. Central Michigan
    • Cladocerans Bythotrephes Longimanus and Leptodora Kindtii in a Large Lake