• The term “liminal” is derived from the Latin word “limen” which means threshold, and describes a state or space between two states.
  • An empty hotel hallway, an example of a liminal space. In Internet aesthetics, liminal spaces are empty or abandoned places that appear eerie, forlorn, and often surreal.
  • bunu daha liminal space diye bir internet kültürü olmadığı zamanlar counter strike 1.5 oyununda de_aztec haritasındaki su kanalına gittiğimde fark etmiştim.
  • The experience of liminal space can have a significant impact on our mental health.
  • Liminal Space aesthetics revolve around pictures of transitional areas devoid of life, such as malls in the early morning, empty parking lots or a school hallway during summer.
  • Most of the time, the liminal space itself is not dangerous, but people’s perception of it may be dangerous.
  • Any physical place that serves as a connecting place between two places is a liminal space.
  • A liminal space can be either a physical or a temporal space, and often both at the same time, but it is always a psychic space.
  • Özetle; Liminal Space, iki mekân veya durum arasındaki geçiş bölgesi olarak tanımlayabiliriz.