• Despite its name, LLVM has little to do with traditional virtual machines. The name "LLVM" itself is not an acronym; it is the full name of the project.
  • Before getting to know about the importance of the LLVM project, let’s look into the monolithic structure of compiler technology.
  • The official llvm.org YouTube channel. See LLVM Developers' Meetings videos and more!
  • LLVM can provide the middle layers of a complete compiler system, taking intermediate representation (IR) code from a compiler and emitting an optimized IR.
  • Dive into LLVM Clang, a powerful front-end that supports multiple programming languages and provides advanced error checking and diagnostics.
  • We’ve desugared our language to get it ready for LLVM - the main takeaway is that objects have been desugared to structs, and their methods desugared to functions.
  • LLVM 19.1.0-rc4 Release. Read the announcement post here: https://discourse.llvm.org/t/llvm-19-1-0-rc4-released/.
  • https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-18.1.7/LLVM-18.1.7-win32.exe.
  • A weekly newsletter covering developments in LLVM, Clang, and related projects. A new issue released every Monday.
  • LLVM was originally an acronym for low level virtual machine. The LLVM project started in 2000 as research at the University of Illinois.