• Overall, Mantegna's work thus tended towards rigidity, demonstrating an austere wholeness rather than graceful sensitivity of expression.
  • Bu sayfanın açıklaması webmaster tarafindan gizlenmiştir.
  • Bu dönemde adını duyuran Andrea Mantegna, 1449’de Padova’da Eremitani Kilisesi’ndeki Ovetari Şapeli’ni süslemekle görevlendirildi.
  • A series of nine paintings, Triumph of Caesar , that Mantegna started in 1486 shows his interest in imperial Rome.
  • This is one of two fairly similar depictions of the subject by Mantegna, both deriving from a drawing by his father-in-law, Jacopo Bellini.
  • Around 1460 CE, Mantegna was employed by the powerful Gonzaga family of Mantua to become their court artist.
  • Once again, this seminal work of Mantegna's offers an audacious combination of classical and Renaissance Christian themes and motifs.
  • Andrea Mantegna or Follower (Possibly Giulio Campagnola).
  • The remarkably definite and original style formed by Mantegna may be traced out as founded on the study of the antique in Squarcione\u0027s atelier...
  • Mantegna thrusts the viewer into the scene with his use of the close-up, centuries before it became the familiar technique of motion pictures.