- Molly Brown, also known as Deadlymelodic, is an aspiring creature designer hoping to contribute to the entertainment industry, either it be through games or film.
- learningenglish.voanews.com a/just-who-was-the-…Kristen Iversen is an English professor and author of "Molly Brown: Unraveling the Myth."
- writerbeverly.medium.com the-unsinkable-molly-…Broadway composer/playwright Meredith Wilson apparently decided that “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” was easier to sing than “Maggie Brown...
- imdb.com name/nm5463002/Molly Brown was born and raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa by her mother Sara Riley.
- allthatsinteresting.com molly-brownAfter she survived the Titanic sinking in 1912, Margaret “Molly” Brown shrugged off her good fortune.
- thefamouspeople.com profiles/molly-brown-3392.phpMolly Brown's legacy lives on through the Molly Brown House Museum in Denver, Colorado, which celebrates her life and achievements.
- britannica.com biography/Molly-BrownArthur Henry Rostron of the Carpathia receiving a silver cup award from Molly Brown for his role in the rescue of Titanic disaster survivors.
- historyhit.com Articles 20th CenturyHere’s a rundown of the life of the unsinkable – and unforgettable – Molly Brown.
- en.wikipedia.org Margaret BrownMargaret Brown (née Tobin; July 18, 1867 – October 26, 1932), posthumously known as the "Unsinkable Molly Brown", was an American socialite and philanthropist.
- greelane.com tr/beşeri-bilimler/tarih-ve-kültür/…Kocası madenlerde müfettişliğe yükselirken, Molly Brown maden camiasında aşevleri kurdu ve kadın hakları alanında aktif oldu.