• Occasionalism is a philosophical doctrine about causation which says that created substances cannot be efficient causes of events.
  • Occasionalism has far reaching implications in the philosophical and theological world.
  • Global occasionalism, accordingly, holds that all creaturely causation is at most occasional, while divine causation is uniquely genuine.
  • Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that created substances cannot be efficient causes of events.
  • descartes'in bazi ardillarinda occasionalism'e dogru bir egilim oldugu goruluyor, ancak bunu sistematik olarak one suren en onemli dusunur nicholas...
  • Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that created substances cannot be efficient causes of events.
  • Stubs, Philosophies, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind. Edit. View history. Purge. Discussion. Stub. Occasionalism is a philosophical theory that denies direct causal...
  • Occasionalism is a concept that attempts to relate the idea of causation to the relationship of the body and the mind.
  • The meaning of OCCASIONALISM is a doctrine held by the Cartesian philosophers Geulincx and Malebranche that mind and matter are inherently incapable...
  • Occasionalism is often thought of primarily as a rather desperate solution to the problem of mind-body interaction.