• The version is 0.8.0 Beta, OpenProg is an USB programmer for various devices, including PIC, dsPIC, AVR microcontrollers, and various kinds of serial eeproms.
  • Star 1. openprog firmware. License. ... This is a fork of the firmware section of Alberto Maccioni's openprog project (http://openprog.altervista.org/).
  • Free download page for Project Open Programmer's OpenProg.exe.An USB programmer for various devices, including PIC, dsPIC, AVR microcontrollers, and...
  • OpenProg Description. An open source USB programmer An open source USB programmer for PIC micros, I2C-SPI-MicroWire EEPROMs, some ATMEL...
  • OpenProg, mikrodenetleyicilerin ve seri EEPROM'ların USB üzerinden programlanması için ücretsiz yazılım ve donanım tasarımlarının bir kombinasyonudur.
  • OpenProg is a handy, easy-to-use USB programmer that helps you to check various devices such as serial ports.
  • OpenProg is a combination of free software and hardware designs for programming of microcontrollers and serial EEPROMs over USB.