• During the first and second decades of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso was highly prolific. It was during this time that he created Le pigeon aux Petits Pois...
  • Le pigeon aux petit pois (English: Pigeon with peas), sometimes referred to as Dove with green peas, is a 1911 oil on canvas painting by Pablo Picasso.
  • Pablo Picasso Period of creation: 1908-1918 – 1912 Le pigeon aux petits pois.
  • © Fundación Museu Picasso de Barcelona. © de las reproducciones de las obras de Pablo Picasso: Sucesión Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid 2024.
    Bulunamadı: pois, petits
  • Le pigeon aux petit pois is a work of Pablo Picasso painted in 1911. Has a cubist style and represents various geometric figures (rectang...
  • Pablo Picasso - Le pigeon aux petits pois (Pigeon with Peas), 1911. Oil on canvas, 65 x 54 cm. Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France.
  • Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Le pigeon aux petits pois 1911 Oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm. [Painting stolen in 2010 from the Musée d’Art Moderne in Paris].
  • Il me fallait découvrir ce que pouvait bien signifier ce pigeon au petits pois. Pablo Picasso, Le pigeon aux petits pois, 1911.
  • Le pigeon aux petits pois. Link to image ( Please note copyrights ). Le pigeon aux petit pois (French: Dove with green peas) is a painting by Pablo Picasso.
  • Le pigeon aux petits pois (The Pigeon with Green Peas) is a 1911 painting by Pablo Picasso. It was one of five paintings stolen from the Musée d’Art Moderne...
  • Le pigeon aux petits pois. from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Le pigeon aux petit pois. Pablo Picasso , 1911. Oil on canvas. 65 × 54 cm.
  • Storia e descrizione del quadro "Le pigeon aux petits pois" di Pablo Picasso, realizzato nel 1911 e trafugato dal Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.