- kenhub.com Abdomen PeritoneumThe parietal peritoneum continuously lines the abdominal walls and forms the sac called the peritoneal cavity, which is the slim potential space containing...
- tr.wikipedia.org Karın zarıKarın arka duvarından ve diyafram bazı bölgelerde ayrılarak, iç organların bir kısmını veya tamamını saran bölümüne ise peritoneum viscerale denir.
- elsevier.com resources/anatomy/digestive-system/…The peritoneum secretes peritoneal fluid which helps lubricate viscera within the abdominal and pelvic cavities, reducing friction between organs.
- imaios.com en/e-anatomy/anatomical-structure/…The part which lines the parietes is named the parietal portion of the peritoneum; that which is reflected over the contained viscera constitutes thevisceral...
- teachmeanatomy.info abdomen/areas/peritoneum/Unlike the parietal peritoneum, pain from the visceral peritoneum is poorly localised and the visceral peritoneum is only sensitive to stretch and chemical irritation.Bulunamadı: parietale
- en.wikipedia.org PeritoneumThe peritoneum is the serous membrane forming the lining of the abdominal cavity or coelom in amniotes and some invertebrates, such as annelids.Bulunamadı: parietale
- semmelweis.hu anatomia/files/2019/01/peritoneum_…somatic plate: peritoneum parietale. ... Abdominal and pelvic organs and structures – according to their peritoneal relations - can be divided into 2 main groups
- en_ichthyology.en-academic.com 12775/parietal1) of or relating to the inner walls of a body cavity, as opposed to the contents: applied particularly to the membranes lining a cavity (see peritoneum, pleura).
- medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com parietal…It was observed in many studies that closure of the parietal peritoneum increased adhesions in gynecologic operations, (10) general surgical operations...
- meduniver.com Medical/Anatom/170.html
- anatomytool.org content/peritoneum-and-peritoneal…The peritoneum can be considered as a kind of balloon or sac that is inflated inside the abdomen and lines the inside of the abdominal wall.Bulunamadı: parietale
- rep.bsmu.by bitstream/handle/BSMU/28699/Брюшина …The peritoneal cavity is a complex of slit-like spaces between the parietal and visceral peritoneum, as well as between the adjacent areas of the visceral...Bulunamadı: parietale
- turkcerrahi.com tip-sozlugu/periton/Periton (peritoneum), karın zarı, karın ve pelvis boşluğunu kaplayan (paryetal / parietal periton) ve bunların içindeki organları da saran (visseral / visceral periton)...Bulunamadı: parietale