• Peter Maximoff is a fictional character appearing in 20th Century Fox's X-Men film series, portrayed by Evan Peters and based on the Marvel Comics character Quicksilver...
  • The designation "Earth-TRN414" used in this article is an unofficial Temporary Reality Number assigned by our wiki exclusively for internal archival purposes until an official...
  • Unlike his comic book counterpart Pietro Maximoff, he's born and raised in the United States and is a bit older than the mainstream X-Men team chronologically.
  • •⋅ ⋅•spc: marvelpacksfree (ig)icon credits: https://pin.it/2QJR9qX•⋅ ⋅•Character: Peter Maximoff...
  • Yayın zamanı: 5 saat önce
    I'm your son, Peter Maximoff." The sound of an explosion made the three turn around, watching as the jet ran itself into the ground.
  • The first time Kurt saw Peter Maximoff was at the end of Junior year.
  • Peter looking at a random stranger who got imprisoned for 10 years for allegedly killing the president:.
  • Quicksilver (born Peter Maximoff) is a mutant who has the ability of super speed.
  • Peter Maximoff , aynı adlı Marvel Comics mutantına dayanan, 20th Century Fox tarafından üretilen X - Men film serisindeki bir karakterdir .
  • Peter Maximoff : We don't know, bro! [Hank, Peter, Raven, and Moira awake in a military facility room and Hank has turned into his mutant form].