• Maybe obvious to veteran PHP programmers but less so to novice PHP programmers is the fact that this is invalid: <?php str_replace($search, $replace...
  • If both find and replace are arrays, and replace has fewer elements than find, an empty string will be used as replace.
  • The str_replace() is a built-in function in PHP and is used to replace all the occurrences of the search string or array of search strings by a replacement string or...
  • The PHP str_replace() function returns a new string with all occurrences of a substring replaced with another string.
  • Because str_replace replaces left to right, it might replace a previously inserted value when doing multiple replacements.
  • If replace array has fewer values than the find array, then an empty string will be used for the rest of replacement values.
  • PHP provides a plethora of built-in functions, with str_replace() being one of the my favorite.
  • The str_ireplace() function is another built-in PHP function that is used to replace a string with another string.
  • You can use the php str_replace() function to replace strings in a string or an array of strings with a replacement string in the following way
  • If the string parameter is an array instead of a string, all of the Str_replace in PHP elements will be scanned.