- pingendo.com learnYou can open your projects in Pingendo from the OS menu or from the project panel by selecting the folder.
- appimage.github.io Pingendo/Download the Pingendo AppImage and make it executable using your file manager or by entering the following commands in a terminal
- tamindir.com indir/pingendo/Pingendo ile halihazırda program içerisinde yer alan HTML örnekleri üzerinde çalışabileceğiniz gibi isterseniz bilgisayarınızda bulunan bir HTML...
- eksisozluk.com pingendo--4722783yeni başlayanlar ve koda bulaşmadan site dizayn etmek işsteyenler için birebir. http://pingendo.com/.
- In my opinion, the best advantage of using Pingendo is derived from its support of the Bootstrap framework.
- sugggest.com software/pingendoPingendo allows developers, designers, and non-techies alike to build fully responsive websites and web apps quickly without needing to know how to code.
- twitter.com pingendo/For whoever has been wondering where we've been recently -> We were developing the lastest Pingendo v4.1 release!
- limedownload.com pingendoPingendo is easy to use, includes tools for editing specific objects and for inserting components or sections.